Halalbihalal has become a social-religious tradition in Indonesia. The habit expresses happiness after living the blessed days of Ramadan. The meaning of halalbihalal was expressed by Ustadz Nurohman Abu Hana at the Halalbihalal activity of the BPK Badiklat PKN family in the Assembly Hall on Thursday, June 13, 2019. After a full month of fasting, all Muslims are filled with gratitude, the desire to forgive each other, and introspect themselves. Halalbihalal is related to friendship, which means “to connect affection.” The trick is to build a state of interdependence. Therefore, between fellow human beings, they can understand and love each other.
Silaturahim is a recovery effort because in living life, a person sometimes takes actions that can interfere with relationships with other people. With halalbihalal, habluminannas or horizontal relations with fellow humans are improved. If the efforts to forgive each other are complete, it is hoped that the vertical habluminallah relationship can also be improved. That way, the goal of fasting in Ramadan, namely being a pious person, can be achieved.
The series of halalbihalal activities organized by the Secretariat of the Badiklat PKN BPK coincided with the farewell activity for several structural officials within the BPK PKN Badiklat environment. These officials include the Head of the Secretariat, the Head of the Finance Subdivision, the Head of the General and IT Subdivision, and the Head of the Medan PKN Training Center. The event was attended by all employees and members of Dharma Wanita. The presence of the wives and families of employees brings hope that the relationship and cooperation between leaders and all employees will run in harmony. On this occasion, the Head of BPK Badiklat PKN, Hery Subowo conveyed the direction that employees always maintain and cultivate good relations. A well-established friendship will provide benefits in the smooth implementation of tasks. (IAP)
Foto: Diaz