The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has implemented the Certified State Finance Auditor (CSFA) certification or the professional certification of state financial examiners. This certification begins with the implementation of CSFA Recognition for BPK Leaders (Chairman, Deputy Chair, and Members), Middle High Executive Officers, Primary High Executive Officers, Main Expert Examiners and senior BPK implementers who are retired but still active in the development of financial audits. country. The purpose of holding CSFA Recognition organized by Badiklat PKN is to pioneer the formation of a professional organization of state financial examiners in accordance with the mandate of the Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (Permenpan RB) Number 49 of 2018 concerning Functional Positions of Examiners, which stipulates that BPK is tasked with facilitating the formation of professional organizations. Examiner Functional Position.
As the culmination of implementing CSFA professional certification for BPK leaders and fulfilling the mandate of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform No. 49 of 2018, the BPK Chairman, Agung Firman Sampurna, launched the establishment of the Institute of State Finance Auditors (IPKN) at the BPK Auditorium, on Monday, January 20 2020. This IPKN is a form of appreciation for the CSFA program which has been held since September of last year. “This program gives a strong message that there is recognition of the profession of state financial examiner and the role of state financial audit in Indonesia,” said the BPK Chairman in front of the invited guests. IPKN is a professional organization in the field of state financial audit with the status as a Legal Entity Association. The vision of IPKN is to become a leading professional organization in forming professional examiners to advance the nation and state. Of course, this cannot be separated from the role of Badiklat PKN as a center for education and training for state financial audits.
The declaration of the formation of the IPKN coincided with the peak of the celebration of the 73rd Anniversary of BPK which was held at the BPK Head Office, after the ceremony. In addition to the declaration of IPKN, the Chairman of the BPK also launched the book “Building a Plenary BPK to Determine the Future of the State”. The Head of Badiklat PKN, Hery Subowo, accompanied the BPK Chairman in handing over the books to the BPK leaders. This book, written by 73 authors, describes the role of BPK in contributing to realizing accountable state financial governance towards achieving state goals. On the same occasion, the Head of the PKN Education and Training Center also accompanied the Head of the BPK in the symbolic handover of the CSFA certificate to the Primary High Executive Officers and 45 recipients of the last batch of CSFA certification. (EN)