Announcement of Certification Education and Training for Public Accounting Firms (KAP) 2020

Based on BPK RI Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Requirements for Public Accountants at Public Accountant Firms Conducting State Financial Audits, it is hereby notified that BPK RI will hold Certification Education and Training (Diklat) for Partners and Auditors of Public Accounting Firms (KAP) in August 2020 to become KAP registered on BPK RI.In the period of COVID-19 pandemic, this activity will be held online remotely using the Distance Learning (DL) method. The delivery of the training materials is entirely using the webinar media which will be later informed to all called potential participants.
Announcemet No. 1 Certification Training for Public Accounting Firm
Participant registration form 2020