Hulu Sungai Tengah District Government Attends Creative Problem Solving, Effective Communication Techniques, and Public Speaking Training

Government Regulations require every Ministry/Institution/Regional Government to oversee the implementation of Government activities based on the Government’s Internal Control System (SPIP). The Government’s Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) is responsible for Internal supervision over the implementation of the Government’s duties and functions including state financial accountability.

The ability to apply creative problem-solving methodologies, and convey information and consultations related to follow-up to audit results, is necessary to support the implementation of the APIP role.

To improve this competency, twenty-four (24) APIP employees of the South Kalimantan Regency Inspectorate, attended the Creative Problem Solving, Effective Communication Techniques, and Public Speaking training classically at the Training Institute of State Financial Audit over five days from August 5-9, 2024.

Participants will be trained to apply creative thinking strategies in formulating problem solutions and speaking in public, including conveying information about program development, providing consultations, and delivering presentations well.

Director of Planning, Education and Training Centre of State Financial Audit, Dali Mulkana opened the training attended by the Regent’s Expert Staff for Government Affairs of the Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency Secretariat, Ahmad Zaid.

“We hope that this training can provide maximum contribution for us in implementing internal supervision and control throughout the Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency Government,” he said.

Improving APIP competence aims to create a professional APIP that can support the implementation of APIP duties and functions in fostering and supervising honest, clean, accountable, and transparent governance.