Covid-19 pandemic still ongoing in Indonesia has a significant impact on the terms of various aspects. To deal with this impact, the Government of Indonesia has budgeted a lot of money from various sources of funding. In accordance with its mandate, BPK is obliged to ensure that pandemic disaster management has been carried out by prioritizing transparency and accountability in the management of activities and finances.

Supporting this effort, the Board of BPK has instructed to form a Audit Working Group (Pokja) on the Management and Accountability of State Finance in Handling Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020. The Training Institute which is also part of this team is tasked with organizing competency development for the parties involved in the audit.

In order to identify the competency needs needed by this audit team, the Training Institute held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Identifying the Competency Development Needs for Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic Audit on Friday (O7/08). By being held virtually through the Zoom Meeting, the FGD activity was led by the Director General of the Training Institute, Hery Subowo and attended by high-ranking level officials, administrator officials, functional officials, instructors and The Training Institute management.

The FGD activity involved members of the Covid-19 Handling Audit Working Group, namely a reporting coordination and consolidation team, a national economic recovery team, a social protection review team, a health review team, a refocussing and reallocation review team, a goods and services procurement review team, the assessment team in the field of disaster management, the assessment team in the field of BUMN/BUMD and other Bodies, the Quality Assurance team, the data and information analysis team, and the audit supporting team.

In this discussion, Pokja members gave brief explanations related to the team’s tasks, activity plans and implementation time, the expert team to be involved, the number of human resources needed, and the competency requirements needed. Fulfilling these competency needs will later be held by the Training Institute through webinars/seminars, technical training, and mentoring, in order to equip the team to be ready to carry out the duties of the audit working group. (EN)