To actualize BPK’s role as an impetus for the management of state finances to achieve the state puposes is certainly inseparable from the support of stakeholders such as the Parliament, Law Enforcement Apparatus (APH), experts and academics, Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP), and the general public. In the current Covid-19 pandemic, BPK certainly has its own challenges in carrying out the task of auditing state finances. Therefore, inter-agency support, synergy between APIP and external audit agencies and APH must be carried out and continuously improved. As an effort to realize this increased synergy, the State Finance Auditors Institute (IPKN) held an Online Seminar with the theme “Synergy between Internal Supervision and External Audit in the Context of Encouraging Improved Performance of State Financial Management in Accordance with Legislation” on Tuesday, September 1, 2020.


Starting the seminar speech, the Head of State Financial Audit V as the Chairman of DPN IPKN, Prof. Dr. Bahrullah Akbar, MBA, CIPM, CSFA, CPA revealed that this increased synergy is in line with President Joko Widodo’s appeal, namely by synergies, checks and balances between institutions, and the support of all Indonesian people, the government will be able to do better in dealing with the problems and challenges faced in advancing Indonesia. BPK Chairman, Dr. Agung Firman Sampurna, SE, MSi, CSFA added, “Synergy must be based on the principle that every part of state finances must be accountable and become a collective responsibility.”

BPK Chairman also said that in order to fulfill the efficiency and effectiveness of the audit, the BPK continues to synergize with the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP). “The results of APIP work can help BPK in determining the nature, timing and scope of the audits to be performed by BPK in order to provide optimal added value,” he said when he was the keynote speaker of the seminar.

This online seminar was attended by 255 participants from BPK and APIP. Moderated by the Head of the BPK Regional office in Central Java Province, Ayub Amali, SE, MM, Ak, CA, CSFA, this activity presented resource persons, the Rector of Sebelas Maret University, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, SH, MHum, and Deputy Head of BPKP for Political, Legal and Security Affairs PMK, Iwan Taufiq Purwanto, SE, MBA, QIA, CRMA.

Para narasumber menjelaskan tentang peran audit internal vs audit eksternal atas keuangan negara dan bagaimana sinergi pengawasan internal dan pemeriksaan eksternal dalam rangka mendorong peningkatan kinerja pemeriksaan keuangan negara. Dijelaskan bahwa makna penting sinergi dan kolaborasi pengawas intern dan pemeriksa eksternal adalah untuk menuju tercapainya tujuan yaitu kegiatan yang efektif dan efisien, keandalan pelaporan keuangan, pengamanan aset negara, serta ketaatan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan.

The series of seminars continued with the inauguration of the Central Java Region IPKN Management 2020-2023 which was carried out by the Chairman of the IPKN DPN, Prof. Dr. Bahrullah Akbar, MBA, CIPM, CSFA, CPA. The inauguration is the first of 34 provincial IPKN administrators in Indonesia. Regional IPKNs will be a complement to IPKNs that carry out activities in the regions in the context of professional development of members and synergize the cooperation of auditors and supervisors to increase transparency and accountability of state/regional finances.


The inauguration event which was held online and offline was also attended and welcomed by the Deputy Governor of the Central Java Provincial Government, H. Taj Yasin Maimoen. In his remarks, he said that the Central Java Provincial Government fully supports and hopes that the IPKN inauguration can oversee all local governments, especially the Central Java Provincial Government, in realizing good governance.


At the end of the inauguration ceremony, the Chairman of the IPKN DPN gave direction to the IPKN management for the Central Java Region. “It is hoped that the IPKN Regional administrators who have been appointed can carry out their duties properly so that the existence of the IPKN professional organization will further support the improvement of the competence, professionalism and performance of state finance auditors and create” accountability for all “, he said. (EN)