The ongoing conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic also have an impact on organizing training activities at the BPK Training Institute. Training, which was originally held face-to-face, must be converted into training using the online method. To address the limitations in the implementation of business process, as an education and training institution, it must have innovations so that education can still be carried out.

One of the innovations of the Training Institute is the distance learning method application. This was revealed by the Director General of BPK Training Institute at the opening of the eLearning Workshop which was attended by 69 participants consisting of structural officials, lecturers and staffs in the Training Institute and Regional Training Center in Medan, Yogyakarta and Gowa Training Centers (5/5/20).

The purpose of organizing the workshop is to prepare for the distance learning method implementation so that it could run optimally later. One that is needed by both the lecturers and committee is adequate knowledge and competence, especially during the preparation and implementation of training. The workshop which lasted for 2 days (5-6 May 2020) presented lecturers as the main speakers. On the second day, present as a speaker were Prof. Ali Muktiyanto from the Open University.