JAKARTA, Public Relations Badiklat PKN-Badiklat PKN BPK- again held a Science Homepage workshop by presenting a resource person Member I BPK / Head of State Audit I, Hendra Susanto on Thursday (6/5). Moderated by Main Auditor of State Finance I, Novy Gregory Antonius Pelenkahu, this workshop raised the theme of Handling Cyber Security: Regulatory Framework, Irregularities Risk, and Audit Strategy.

Cyber Security is an activity to protect information or telematics resources to prevent the occurrence of cyber-crime or criminal attacks in cyberspace that interfere with the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Currently in Indonesia, there are several cyber institutions tasked with maintaining security in cyberspace through various innovations, so it is undeniable that cyber security is very important and is one of the priorities of the five national priority programs, namely maintaining the stability of National Security through strengthening resilience and cyber security.

In relation to the BPK examination, Hendra Susanto revealed that the BPK had conducted a performance check on the handling of cyber-crimes at the Indonesian National Police in 2018. In this examination, BPK played a role in strengthening cyber security in Indonesia through recommendations given in the form of implementing cyber e-policy in dealing with cyber-crimes.

“The government’s great attention to national cyber security requires an evaluation of the process of procurement of goods and services for the supporting devices and applications for strengthening the national cyber security,” said Hendra Susanto in his presentation. Furthermore, he revealed that BPK also developed an audit strategy in the form of testing instruments (use of experts) for the suitability of the procurement output with the plan, then carried out an assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the sustainability of Information Technology products compared to the procurement that had been carried out previously, the procurement process of goods and services that have been performed, as well as inter-institutional coordination.

This virtual workshop was attended by 497 participants consisting of Middle High Executive Officers, Primary High Executive Officers, Administrator Officers, as well as Intermediate and Main Expert Examiner Functional Officers of the Central BPK and Representative BPK throughout Indonesia.

With this Science Homepage activity, it is hoped that it can become a media for knowledge sharing between BPK implementers and BPK leaders, especially in relation to the field of audits. Armed with adequate knowledge, it is hoped that the auditors will be able to understand the important issues of cyber security that are developing and be able to identify audit strategies related to the handling of cyber-crimes in Indonesia so that they can strengthen cyber security in Indonesia through quality and useful examination results.