As a free and independent high state institution, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has the obligation to examine the management and responsibilities of state finances. To be able to realize this, the auditors must adhere to the BPK’s basic values, namely independence, integrity, and professionalism, said the Head of State Audit I, Dr. Hendra Susanto, S.T., M.Eng., M.H., CfrA., CSFA as a resource person in a Public Lecture with the theme “Improving Governance Initiated by BPK”, Thursday 9/9.

He further explained that as the Head of State Financial Audit I, the Main Auditorate of State Finance (AKN) I has the task of examining the management and responsibility of state finances in the fields of politics, law, defense and security. For this reason, on this occasion he will convey to the training participants the First Expert Examiner Functional Position (JFPAP) various experiences and achievements during the inspection, including strategic inspections at the Indonesian National Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, and Ministry of Transportation.

“As prospective examiners, it is important for us to continue to study and find out information relating to the inspection. This needs to be emphasized because the world of examination is developing very fast and dynamically. In addition, through the results of the audit, the BPK is expected to provide useful recommendations, add value to the entity, and can be accounted for.

Public lecture activities for JFPAP training participants are one of Badiklat PKN’s efforts to increase knowledge and understanding through sharing experiences about the world of examination from BPK leaders. Ending his presentation, Member I BPK advised the participants to make maximum use of the learning opportunities obtained during the training so that while serving as an examiner, they could make a real contribution through hard work, smart work, and sincere work for the institution. (IA)