The BPK RI State Financial Audit Training Agency held a Big Data Analytics Workshop for Primary High Leadership Officials and Main Expert Examiners within BPK RI in the Auditorium Room, BPK RI Head Office (6/12). The workshop, which was opened by the Main Auditor of State Finance II, Laode Nusriadi, aims to socialize the BIDICS grand design, the results of analytics and data that has been obtained as well as identify areas of development and utilization of BIDICS.

The workshop activity this time is a series of activities to develop and utilize BIDICS Analytics which has been implemented since 2020. The activities that have been carried out are the development of the BPK grand design, BIDICS, business cases, strategic initiatives, formation of working groups, provision of initial infrastructure, portals and BIDICS laboratories, data collection, LKPP inspection at the Central and Local Government levels, strategic or thematic inspections and dashboard development.







Laode Nusriadi who also acts as Coordinator of the BDA Working Group (Big Data Analytics) Executive Committee explained that the implementation challenges are security factors (data accessed by unauthorized parties), privacy (misuse of sensitive information, personal data), cost (uncertainty in budget requirements), bad data (failure to share data between units and between agencies), and bad analytics (failure to develop analytics model).

The Big Data Analytics workshop presented the main resource person, Professor of the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, Wisnu Jatmiko. According to him, big data analytics (BDA) is a rapidly growing market. One of the advantages of using BDA, among others, is that it can increase the ability to make decisions in real time. On this occasion, the Head of the Information Technology Bureau, Pranoto conveyed the achievements of BPK RI in developing analytical models. This process begins with the input and data processing stages to visualization.

The Big Data Analytics workshop was officially closed by Plt. Badiklat PKN, Gunarwanto who hopes that the participants can explore further, enrich the existing analytical models and take advantage of BDA. This will provide an understanding of BIDICS analytics and its benefits to support audit work at BPK. The result of this workshop is a step forward in realizing BDA in BPK.