The strategic role of BPK as a trusted audit agency is increasingly needed to accelerate the achievement of state goals. This role is carried out by examining the management and responsibility of state finances. The achievement of state objectives will not succeed without success in improving of integrated state financial management. These improvements will strengthen the country’s ability to face economic challenges, such as global competition, improving people’s welfare, the effectiveness of BUMN management and the state budget so that they can become a stimulus in realizing sustainable development.

This was conveyed by BPK Member VI / Head of State Audit VI, Nyoman Adhi Suryadnyana at the Scientific Oration of Certified State Finance Auditor (CSFA) Recognition Program with the theme “Strategies for Strengthening BPK Performance Audits in the Framework of Optimizing the Role of Achieving State Goals” in Sentul, West Java, Wednesday (12/29/21).

In line with BPK’s vision of “Becoming a Trusted Auditing Agency with an Active Role in Realizing Quality and Beneficial State Financial Governance to Achieve State Goals”, a strategy is needed to strengthen BPK’s performance audit. There are 3 (three) main strategies presented by Member VI of BPK, namely improving audit quality and refocusing, reorienting audit objects that are strategic and have a systemic impact, and finally improving the quality of internal resources, especially human resources, audit methods, and utilization of big data analytics.

The implementation of this strategy is expected to increase the role of BPK in carrying out improvements in state financial governance through a shift in its previous role, namely audits that focused on the administration of state financial management to become more focused on the achievement of the substance (outcomes) of development programs.

The Interim Head of the State Finance Audit Training Agency, Gunarwanto reported that the implementation of the professional certification of state financial examiners was a continuation of the series of activities of the CSFA Recognition Program which had been carried out in September and October 2019. ” with state financial audits, and already have professional capabilities in the field of state financial audits through education, training, and practice in the field.


The Interim Head of the State Finance Audit Training Agency, Gunarwanto reported that the implementation of the professional certification of state financial examiners was a continuation of the series of activities of the CSFA Recognition Program which had been carried out in September and October 2019. ” with state financial audits, and already have professional capabilities in the field of state financial audits through education, training, and practice in the field.