DJA and DJPb Ministry of Finance Employees Attend Basic Level PNBP Oversight Training

Badiklat PKN held Basic Level PNBP Oversight (Business Process Analysis and Compliance Audit) Training for Employees of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) and Directorate General of Budget (DJA) of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. The Director of Planning, Education and Training Centre of State Financial Audit (Badiklat PKN), Dali Mulkana, opened the face-to-face activity at the Training Institute of State Financial Audit on Monday (6/10).

Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) is a pillar of state revenue that significantly contributes to the state revenue and expenditure budget. PNBP has an important and strategic role in controlling and managing state assets, including natural resources.

Government Regulation 58 of 2023 concerning Management of Non-Tax State Revenue, states that PNBP management includes planning, implementation, accountability, and supervision. PNBP audit is an activity to search for, collect, and process data and other information in the context of monitoring compliance with PNBP obligations based on the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of PNBP.

This training activity was held from June 10-14, 2024. PNBP Director, Directorate General of Budget, Ministry of Finance, Wawan Sunarjo attended the opening. The material presented during this training includes a general overview of PNBP, the PNBP business process, understanding the risks when carrying out audits, and knowing the methods for PNBP audits.

Graduates are expected to have increased knowledge and competence in PNBP oversight to oversee PNBP per applicable regulations so that PNBP oversight runs well and provides useful results.