Training on Tax Withholding and Collection by Government Agencies and their Audits








To support HR competency, Badiklat PKN in cooperation with the Tangerang City Inspectorate held Training on Tax Withholding and Collection by Government Agencies and their Audits over five (5) days, divided into 2 batches, namely batch I from June 24-28, 2024 and batch II from July 1-5, 2024.

Training attendees consist of forty (40) participants from Tangerang City Inspectorate employees. Director of Certification, Education and Training Development Centre of State Financial Audit, Satrio Hari Nugroho, opened the training on Monday (06/24/2024).

his training includes an introduction to taxation, withholding and collection of taxes by government agencies, procurement of goods and services using the government procurement information system, withholding of Income Tax (PPh) Article 4 Paragraph 2, Article 15, Article 21, Article 22, Article 23, Article 26, VAT collection by government agencies, PPnBM, stamp duty, and audits of tax aspects of government agencies.

This face-to-face training aims to enable participants to analyze and audit government agencies’ tax withholding and collection activities. This training is meant to produce APIP with knowledge and skills regarding withholding and collecting taxes by government agencies and abilities in carrying out audits will be available.