Pengadaan Jasa Catering Service Diklat Prajabatan

Pelelangan Umum Jasa Catering Service Diklat Prajabatan

Kalender Diklat Triwulan III Tahun 2015

Berikut kami sampaikan nota dinas nomor 580/ND/X.7/06/2015 tanggal 16 Juni 2015 perihal Penyampaian kalender diklat triwulan III tahun 2015.

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Penyelenggaraan Diklat


The Financial Services Authority (OJK) held an audience with the PKN Badiklat in order to improve the quality of the Certification Program for OJK...


Chairman of the national board of the State Audit Institute (DPN IPKN), Prof. Dr. Bahrullah Akbar M.B.A., CSFA, CPA., gave directions as well as...

Training for Jambi Provincial Inspectorate Employees

"The increase in the quantity and quality of infrastructure development activities is, of course, directly proportional to the increase in the APBN and APBD...

Badiklat PKN Receives “TERAPIH” Award

Congratulations Badiklat PKN! Congratulations to Badiklat PKN on receiving the "the most orderly" award at the Opening of the 77th Anniversary activities. Badiklat PKN received this...

Socialization and Assistance in SKP Preparation on the Prisma-IKI Application

Government Regulation Number 30 of the year 2019 concerning Performance Evaluation of Civil Servants and Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus...
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